Public Policy / GAC Meeting
Please join us to hear about the: Metro UGB expansion and new mid-cycle review process.
Presenting: Counselor Christine Lewis, Ramona Perrault, Policy Advisor and the METRO team.
The City of Tigard recently applied for a UGB expansion under Metro’s new mid-cycle review process. Metro COO Madrigal recently released her COO recommendation to Metro Council and is recommending that Council approve Tigard’s expansion through a UGB exchange process instead of a mid-cycle process. Metro staff will be presenting to the North Clackamas Chamber of Commerce on the UGB mid-cycle process, Tigard’s expansion plans, and the UGB exchange process. Metro staff will also spend some time discussing next steps and how interested parties can engage moving forward.
Date and Time
Monday Jun 6, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PDT
Monday, June 6, 2022
Noon – 1:00pm
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